Growth Through Community
Getting Involved is Easy
Get Involved by Joining a Church Group
Welcomers play an important part of church life. We want everyone who visits our church to feel welcome, especially if it your first visit.At each serivce we have at least 2 welcomers on duty.
If you are interested in being a Welcomer please speak to the Priest in Charge or a Church Warden
Church Flowers
The church is decorated with flowers on a Friday or Saturday in reediness for our service on Sunday. This done on a rota basis by church members. You do not have to artistic to do this.
Each week the flowers used in the church are gathered up and taken round to members of the congregation who are in particular need of feeling supported.
If you would like to help to provide and/or arrange the flowers at the church for our Sunday services, please contact the church office.
Gardening Group
It is important to keep church grounds looking neat and tidy. This can be cutting the grass or weeding and planting the flower beds. You don’t have to be green fingered.
If you would like to be part of the gardening group, we met on a Wednesday morning at 11am in the spring and summer months.
Prayer is of vital importance in our walk with the Lord.
At each service we spend time praying for the world, our community. the sick and ourselves among other things. Prayers are led by members of the congregation and vary in styles.
If you feel that you have the gift of intercession and would like to lead our prayers, please speak to the priest in charge or email the church office.
Music Group
“Sing for joy to the LORD, all the earth; praise him with songs and shouts of joy!”
Psalm 98:4 (GNT)
Worshipping the Lord in song forms part of our services.
If you play an instrument or sing you are welcome to join our worship group. There are no auditions and all levels are welcome. The music groups meet on Saturday afternoon at 4.00pm in St Stephen’s to practice for the following Sunday.
If you would like to join the Worship group. Please speak to Clive Burrows.
Reading the Bible is an intrinsic part of our services. It teachers us about the Word of God and help focus us on the Sermon.