Hello & Welcome
St Stephen with St Paul’s Church
Crossing Cultures with Christ.

From Vicar′s Office
Welcome to our new look website with information about all the amazing things God is doing. We hope that you like the changes and can find the information you need. The website is a work in progress and we want to continue to make changes. Please let us know if you would like to make a contribution.
Reverend Clive Burrows
God of bodies,
if it is true that the earth is yours and all within it,
then yours are the rocks and grasses on every side of every border.
And – more –
yours are the faces of every person;
border dwellers, border crossers,
border guards, border deniers,
border defenders, borderless,
borderful, border endangered and border dreamers.
What we ask is simple,
but it will take many lifetimes:
let us make borders serve us, not us them.
And – again –
let us be people who make justice stretch across borders.
Because the earth is yours and everything in it.
It is round and turns everything on itself.
May we turn to each other as we turn to you.
A Place For You
We are a church that believes in Jesus,
a church that loves God and people.
You’ve been created with gifts and passions to use
Become a Volunteer
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Our Work Within Our Community
We work closely with The Vine Community Centre
https://www.thevine.org.uk who host Education and Wellbeing Activities.
We strive to create a place of welcome and to offer a sense of hope in our diverse community.
Our activities include work with parents/carers and children, fortnightly small groups for bible study and prayer, and a weekly prayer morning.
We welcome to you our church and The Vine Community Centre and hope you will feel at home with us.
– Reverend Clive Burrows
Priest In Charge
Parish Safeguarding Policy
Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact:
In the Parish:
Parish Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Nick Silcock Tel contact – 0115 9701855
In the Diocese: Julian Hodgson., Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, 01636 817200