Church Services
We extend the invitation for you to join with us at any of our services on a Sunday.
The church is also open every day for private prayer or quiet reflection.
Many people find that they want to come to a service but are not sure what to expect. Some feel embarrassed that they don’t know much about Christianity or what goes on in church.
Do not worry. Our invitation is to come and join us and see what you make of us.
Refreshments are served in church after the service and everyone is invited to stay and to meet their fellow worshippers.
Morning services ~ 10:30am
1st & 3rd Sundays of month: Holy Communion
2nd Sunday: All-Age Community Worship
4th Sunday: Morning Worship
5th Sunday: Holy Communion
It is imprtant the we nuture and grow our young people. With this in mind Children and young people’s groups are held during every morning service except the second Sunday of each month. Groups are for children aged three years and up.
There is also a creche area in the lounge at the rear of the church for under-threes to be accompanied by a parent or carer.
Services for the coming Sunday
Our 10.30am is available via zoom.
Email the church office for the id number.
As you enter the church you will be welcomed by one of our welcome team. Please do let them know if you are visiting with us for the first time.
We do not use service booklets during our morning services, everything is displayed on the overhead screen.
During the service we stand to sing hymns both traditional and contemporary. Music is also played before and after the service.
Our services come in different parts.
Firstly we gather and ask that God will open our hearts and allow us to see something of his beauty and freshness, to see who we really are, to acknowledge where we have gone wrong and to be forgiven and strengthened for the future.
Secondly, we listen to readings from the Bible: from the Old Testament (the Jewish scriptures), the New Testament (early Christian letters and texts) and from the Gospels (the early accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus).
After the Gospel has been read, a talk (sermon) is given that explores what we have heard and tries to enrich our reflection.
For Morning Worship after the sermon we pray for those in need around the world, in our communities and in our church
During a communion service, after giving voice to our faith, praying for those in need and sharing peace with each other (turning to our neighbour and saying “Peace be with you”), we take communion, remembering the night in which Jesus gathered with his friends, gave them bread and wine and asked them to remember him in this way.
We conclude services with a hymn. The last words we hear are “go in peace to love and serve the Lord”.
Allage Community worship services are a little different. They are led by members of our fellowship group and each has a different flavor.